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项目编号:? 1821? 新能源汽车无冲击高效能电磁离合器研发 Research and development of non-impact and high-efficiency electroma…
项目编号: ??1706? 氢燃料电池电堆超低零下温度存储及冷启动研究 Research on ultra-low temperature storage and cold start of the …
项目编号:?????1617???? 可实现电动开启的智能门锁 Intelligent Vehicle Side Door Latch with Power Release Feature ? 项目研…
项目编号:????? 1819????????? 融合电化学机理与大数据分析的电动汽车电池管理系统研发?? Research And Development on EV Battery Managem…
项目编号:??????? 1609??????? 主动悬置及控制策略研究 Study on the Active Controlled Mount and the Control Str…
项目编号:?? ?1830????? 燃料电池汽车大功率高压风扇声品质研究 Study on the Sound Quality of Powerful High-voltage Fans on Fu…
项目编号:?? 1601??? 制动冷态噪声分析研究 Study on the Analysis of Bake Noise in Cold State 项目研制单位:清华大学 上汽大众…